I am the “pioneer” of this sport in my country. So, my friends and I had to solve some legal formalities to validate HMB in our country.
As we are a South American country, we do not have medieval traditions, so it’s hard for the local society to accept combat in armor. We followed the legal way, and we had some progress, now we can train serenely. But it has been a long and tedious way that has delayed us from our dream: simply take our weapons and fight.

Some time ago we received an invitation from Team Argentina. We had everything to go, but the customs formalities prevented us from leaving the country with our weapons and equipment. So far, “Batallón Draconia”, a group that has been validated as the first and, until now, a unique HMB Club in Chile, has ended the legal formalities with the Army to own and carry steel swords. It took us two years, but now we can bear our swords inside and outside the country without any problems.

Things are hard here. But we tried to make them better. I, as captain of “Battallón Draconia” club and representative and captain of the National Team of Chile, will always do my best to make progress, but it is a slow process.

Good news is that we’ve done the first steps to initiate legal formalities to validate HMB as a sport in Chile. Besides, we already have a concrete date for our first official qualifier tournament for Team Chile. Though we have a few fighters and we need to test our equipment and our fighting qualities, we will have a chance to show our work to the audience.
We will fight, that’s what we do and what we love. And we will do everything to take the National Team of Chile to “Battle of the Nations”-2015. It will be hard, but we will do our best.Christian Toro “Anubis”,
captain of the “Battallón Draconia” club (Chile),
captain of the National Team of Chile
Interview by
Christina Korneva,