The opening ceremony of the tenth anniversary HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations has taken place! Today, May 2, the most anticipated HMB tournament of the season started. Spectators warmly welcomed the parade of national teams.
Vladimir Blagojevich, the Serbian partner of the Battle of the Nations, the director of the Just Out festival and the president of HMBIA Edouard Eme, spoke to all those present at the magnificent fortress Smederevo, as well as the audience of the online broadcast. They addressed the athletes with greetings and wishes.

Vladimir Blagojevich:
“Knights of the world! It is a great honor to stand here today in front of you and it is a great pleasure to see you have come from different parts of the world to visit Smederevo in Serbia. We are proud of the presence of the participants from 40 different countries right here. Our mission as a hosts is to make your stay here unforgettable and when you return back homes you go fulfilled with the big smiles.
Edouard Eme:
Today we observe 40 flags, 10 times more than 10 years ago. All members of HMBIA can be proud of this outstanding evolution. To celebrate this exceptional anniversary, we have chosen the most authentic settings of the Smederevo fortress, a unique location that expressed best best the medieval spirit and heritage of our sport. I can say we are honored to be able to gather today in Serbia, a land of rich history and cultural exchanges, that fits perfectly with our famous motto: fight and travel.

Traditionally, at the end of the parade, the participants of the Championship, put their right hand on their hearts and raised their left hand to be sworn in. They promised to fight fairly, abide by the rules and treat opponents with respect.

At the end of the ceremony, according to the old Serbian tradition, a loaf of bread and some salt were brought to the lists The speakers broke it and shared…