Regarding Marshaling of the Battle of the Nations 2017
Thirty-five Marshals were involved in refereeing BotN 2017, including 29 Marshals and 6 Knight Marshals.
The number of yellow cards issued – 26, the number of red cards issued – 1.
The number of appeal card received – 8, the number of appeals satisfied – 1.

During the event, Marshals encountered a number of difficult situations. The most problematic were the Royal nomination 21 vs. 21. Especially, the final fight Russia vs. Ukraine. The Marshals Committee acknowledges that in the third round, due to a mistake in counting the fighters the round was held with 21 Russian fighter vs. 22 Ukrainian fighters. There is no single clear reason, why this mistake was made. Marshals Committee admits its responsibility and apologizes to the fighters of both teams and to all spectators and fans. Currently, work on the mistakes is being held, so these situations can be avoided in the future.
After an extensive study of video materials, a disciplinary(financial) action was taken against the Knight Marshal of this round Georgy Yurchak and Marshal Supervisor Sergey Miasishchev.