“Recon” 2017 – congratulations to the winners!

08 Mar 2017 14:21
February 25, 2017, the famous “Recon” festival took place in St. Petersburg. Couple of hundreds of people have gathered to witness the event. There definitely were lots to witness! Particularly, HMBIA News asked Ali Askerov – HMB Soft curator and general referee of the Russia’s championship in HMB Soft, about the sport part of the event.
Ali Askerov:
“Everything went great and on high level. All the fighters demonstrated a great level of training and serious attitude. There weren’t any, let us put it this way, ordinary fights – everyone tried to win and achieve the long-awaited finale. Such things I like the most in such competitions”.
According to Ali, the tournament was held by the standard regulations for fights in the nomination “Shield-sword” in three age categories.
The list of the prizewinners as follows:Category 12-13 y.o.:

1 place – Vasiliev Sevastian (“????”, Volgograd)

2 place – Favorov Petr (“Excalibur”, Moscow)

3 place – Antonychev Grigoriy (“??????? ???????”, St. Petersburg)

Category 14-15 y.o.:1 place – Shaeehov Grigoriy (“Congo-Junior”, Ekaterinburg)

2 place – Michailov Ivan (“????????”, St. Petersburg)

3 place – Fatov Michael (“????????”, St. Petersburg)

Category 16-17 y.o.:1 place – Maliugin Ilya (“????????”, St. Petersburg)

2 place – Exuzyan Roman (“????????”, St. Petersburg)

3 place – Taschov Danila (“???????? ?????”, Moscovskaya oblast’)

According to Mr. Askerov, next such festival is to be held in Minsk during the Third OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE EUROPE in MSF (modern sword fight) and during the first tournament of HMB SOFT in Europe, which takes place in the Minsk Castle of children and teens (Belarus).

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