“Profight” will be part of the “Battle of the Nations”-2018

02 Jan 2018 14:41

Nowadays “profight” category is the most dynamically increasing HMB duel discipline. It is one of the most “sporty”, because it includes fencing in combining with combat and hitting techniques. “Profights” are very popular both among fighters and among fans of the HMB-movement.Therefore, the introduction of this category on the “Battle of Nations” was only a matter of time.

And this time has come! The Championship will be an experimental platform for “profights”. This year only men’s battles will be held. And if the experience is successful, it’ll be possible to introduce a female category.

So far, the regulations, rules of conduct and participation are on approval of the Tournament and Marshal Committees.

To date, it is already known for sure that fights will take place in the following weight categories:
a) Lightweight (fighters weighing not more than 75 kg).
b) Middleweight (fighters over 75 kg, but not more than 85 kg).
c) Heavyweight (fighters over 85 kg, but not more than 95 kg).
d) Superheavyweight (fighters over 95 kg).

As we know, the prefix “Pro” in the title of this kind of battles denotes a high level of training of participants. This is the level that we will undoubtedly see in the combats of the best of the best fighters who will gather in Rome to compete on the most grandiose HMB event in the world.


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1st-4th July
Oradea Fortress, Romania