The World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations” unites not only people who love to fight. Here comes people who are not fighters
but love history and authentic clothes. Few years in a row the participant Paddy Shaw from the USA has been our contestant. Last year he got first place in a non-fighting category Best male authentic costume. This year he told us about it in detail. According to Paddy, he reads a lot about the historical costume.
One of the books that gives him inspiration is Patterns of fashion by Janet Arnold.
Paddy Shaw:
“My costume is about 16-early 17 century (1560 -1610). I made it by myself. There are a lot of real fur, real sheep’s wool, hand-made buttons. These buttons are about from original buttons in Nottingham, and I cast the one button into many on myself. I`m an artist. Painting, leatherwork, designing T-shirts, casting metal. I am a “maker”, just make things. I like to make things!”
He is planning to create a new costume for the next year’s Battle of the Nations and to take part in the Best male authentic costume category again. We hope to see Paddy next time in the new awesome suit. So let us wait for the World Championship in HMB Battle of the Nations – 2021.