August 13th Argentina officialy got new HMB tournament. It lasted for 2 days and gathered many new and experienced fighters from all country. The tournament was held in the city of Mendoza, in the west zone of Argentina (region of Cuyo). Miguel García is head of the orgteam of the tournament and he told HMBIA News about results of this new sport event, his impressions and plans.
As you can see here in Mendoza audience could see fights in such category as “1vs1″ (Women), “1vs1″ (Men), “5vs5″ (Men). So here is results:
“1vs1″ (Women)
1- Maru Moyano, (Club Pecari).
2- Rocio Peñaloza, (Club Guardia del Bastión)
3- Caro Rodriguez,(Club Guardia del Bastion )
“1vs1″ (Men)
1 – Naaman Dante, (Club CECM)
2- Bruno Alesso, (Club Acero y Sangre)
3- Lautaro Negrete, (Club Pecari)
“5vs5″ (Men)
1- Acero y Sangre
3- Lobo Negro
Miguel García was satisfied with Mendoza First HMB Tournament and his teams work.
Miguel García:
“We had almost 40 participants in armor, and I think it´s a great number for the first tournament. I think it was a great event. It was the first time we held anything medieval in Mendoza, since we don´t even have reenactor groups here. But still, lots of people came to watch, and everybody was really amazed with the fights! I collected very good comments. The event had a lot of coverage in local media. The local TV station, and one of the main newspapers, both came to the event”.
Also mr. García told us that he planning to organize this tournament next year and will try to make “Mendoza First HMB Tournament” traditional event for his native Mendoza and for the whole Argentina.
Miguel García:
“We got the attention of local goverment, and we have the promise of a much better spot for doing a full tournament, with reenactors and medieval fair next year. But still no date, of course”.
New tournament is like a new star in the HMB sky! So let it be more stars and more HMB-sport events at the map.