Due to the work of French HMB Federation, two castles in France are repeatedly hosting HMB events. The tournament “Tournoi du château de Vincennes” has been held in the castle called Château de Vincennes. And the well-known citadel called Cité de Carcassonne is a place for “Tournoi de la citadelle” HMB event.
Medieval buildings impress by their scale and old history. French kings have lived in Château de Vincennes more than 300 years. Charles V of France has built towers, city walls and Sainte-Chapelle cathedral on the second half of the 14th century. But in the 18 century the castle has been turned into the prison, and such famous persons as Duc de Beaufort, Nicolas Fouquet, Marquis de Sade, Denis Diderot have been among its prisoners.
Nowadays local municipalities are initiating the HMB tournaments on the territory of ancient castles. So the story comes to life, and knights again cross their swords under the massive walls. Tournaments with the picturesque and well-preserved background are much more impressive and authentic.