Martin Asereny from Argentina loves medieval arts, history and of course HMB-sport. He knew about this sport thanks to friends and internet. Martin is a charming young man with disability but he is a real man and real knight! He was impressed by HMB and found a club to train. That`s how it starts. HMBIA News had a little conversation with him.

Martin Asereny:
“The idea to start this sport was mine because I love all the medieval art and history apart from sport. I belong to the “Valherjes” HMB-club and train once a week with my teammates and this makes me happy. As the armor was borrowed obviously I felt heavy but it is because of my lack of training in its majority. I sincerely see a lot of TV and show very little the potential of a person with a disability. Besides that I love this sport, this is my contribution to the inclusion. I know for sure that All the limitation is in the head”.
On the beggining of October he took part in the sport-event and had a sparring with argentinian fighter Juan Glasman.
Juan Glasman:
“I know Martin for only 6 months, our club have two training places, and he train in the one we call “Zona Sur” and me in the “Palermo”, but I went a few times there and saw him traing very hard, and obiously the first question came to my head: “when does he gonna figth?”. He is demonstrate a really good results, of course he has to learn a lot ….but he is improving his technichs and he hits really hard and fast”.
Martin showed good results fighting with Juan. This figth was very important for him, and for all the HMB-movement, because it show us two important things: the respect for other people and that if we want we can do everything.