Marshal’s summit: how it was…

14 Apr 2017 17:18
Marshal’s summit – is one of the main events of HMB movement. Traditionally, it took place prior to the Championship of the world in HMB “Battle of the Nations”. This year, the summit was held on April 1 in the city of St. Petersburg (Russia). As we have noticed earlier, the summit’s format was unusual – an online translation. Vitaliy Makaryan (Ukraine), marshal of the Championship of the world in HMB “Battle of the Nations” since 2012 told more details about the summit.

Vitaliy Makaryan: “On the summit we told about marshals’ work, new rules and answered some questions of viewers and participants. Marshal Georgiy Yurchak and marshal arbiter Sergey Myasischev spoke in the online translation. During the summit, Sergey Maksimenko from Estonia and Sergey Sachyuk from Belarus took their qualifying examination”.
Also, the necessary part of the summit’s programme is examination of beginning marshals of the HMB sport. According to Vitaliy, this summit was not an exception, the 12 trainees from different countries, with the highest score, were chosen. They were invited to the Championship of the world in HMB “Battle of the Nations” – 2017 to learn.

We would like to thank Vitaliy Makaryan for the interview and wish marshal’s committee successful work.


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