Though the road there wasn’t an easy one, Kyrgyzstan will be represented at the HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations! 1 fighter from this country and one support will arrive in Serbia. Bogdan Sbitnev will perform in the duel category Sword and Shield and as a legionnaire in the mass battles 30 vs 30 and 150 vs 150. This year’s ambitions are simple, but important for the development of both the fighter and the sport in general – Kyrgyzstan will conduct reconnaissance in battle!
Unfortunately, for several reasons, there is only one fighter, but because of special regulations in honour of the Battle of the Nations 10th anniversary, the Kyrgyzstani colours will be featured at this edition. It is not every year that you get to organise such a festive occasion, so countries unable to field a buhurt team are welcomed to come fight and celebrate. Bogdan told us he has friendly relationships with other representatives of Central Asia – the teams of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
“We all know each other well and go to each other for events. We are very good friends with guys from Uzbek Stsimitar HMB club. The guys support our crazy beginnings. For example, we periodically organize workshops with the most interesting guys from Russia. Our friends from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan take part in such events with pleasure. Due to this workshops and friendly support HMB movement in the region is developing. We are grateful to our friends for that”.

Bogdan Sbitnev sees his status as the only participant from the country very positively.
“When you participate in a small squad there are pluses, you can be a legionnaire in 30 vs 30 in any team from any place of the world, if they take you. So, it would be desirable, for example, to fight with the Mexicans in one banner – they are people from another continent, far away. It will be a great experience, new acquaintances and a lot of impressions! For this I want to say a Чон Рахмат!!! which means “Thank you very much” to the organizers of such an event”.
We are confident that the tough and uncompromising at the lists, but the friendly and peace-loving HMB fighters will be happy to get acquainted with their brothers in arms from Kyrgyzstan. And the guests of the HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations -2019 will surely give them all possible support!