The end of the summer, August, 29, will stay in the memory of many people in South Africa thanks to Juggerknights Cup. It was the 1st ever profight tournament in South Africa. HMBIA News reporter knew more details from Hylton Kleynhans- the head of the Juggerknights club and the head organiser of “Juggerknights Cup” tournament. We had an interesting conversation and that`s what he told us.
First of all there was such nominations as:
“All vs All”
Hylton Kleynhans:
“The event was a national tournament but a few international fighters were invited, sadly none could make it due to high travel costs. 3. There was a main focus on Profights using WMFC ruleset which was a full day tournament and “2vs2″ and “All vs All” buhurt at the end of the day.”
And that`s what the results of this debut tournament.
In the Light weight division, the results are:
Gold – Anton Moller
Silver – Henry Booysen
Bronze – Aiden Grinsworth
4th – Herman Kelderman
5th – Sonja Kleinhans
In the Heavy weight division, the results are:
Gold – Griff Gigler
Silver – Anton Moller
Bronze – Hylton Kleynhans
4th – Julian Angelozzi
5th – Calvin Botes
6th – Karl Smit
Griff Gigler, golden medallist of the tournament, Head of Association Battle Heritage South Africa was also impressed with the event and of course with the high fighting level of participants.
Griff Gigler:
“It was a privilege to compete in the “Juggerknights Cup”-2017/Smashes Pro-Fight Tournament. The standard of competition was high and all three of my fights were against tough opponents. I was particularly impressed by the 2nd and 3rd place medallists of the heavyweight categories who were able to place so highly despite both moving up a weight class. Despite a few last-minute drop outs, 10 competitors from clubs all over South Africa entered and the “Juggerknights” club organisers pulled off a well organised, fairly adjudicated and logistically smooth event.”
According to Mr. Kleynhans, the festival Organisers(Voorhuis) set up the lists, sorted out private toilets, food and security to keep an eye on the fighters belongings. Juggerknights club have an idea to make this tournament traditional for South Africa and organisers discussed that their location could hold the event yearly.
Also Hylton noticed that thanks to “Juggerknights Cup” 2107 their fighters got a great experience and it can help them to represent South Africa in International level of competition.
Hylton Kleynhans:
“The tournament ran smoothly and fighters had a fair chance to place in the tournament, in future we’ll have more marshals with a good knowledge of the rules and harder fighting on downed opponents. “All vs All” had a big success, audience loved the fighting, fighters fought some tough fights and with the experience gained and pushing our training we’ll have some fighters ready to participate internationally in the near future.”
Hylton Kleynhans and Griff Gigler are already have plans concerning “Juggerknights Cup” tournament and whole HMB movement in South Africa. They planning to use all capabilities to develop it.
Griff Gigler:
“We hope to collaborate with sponsors in future to promote the Juggerknights Cup to international participants and attract renowned fighters from all over the world, using our high standard of competition, favourable exchange rate, beautiful country and the insurmountable hospitality of the members of our national organisation – Battle Heritage South Africa (BHSA). BHSA considers the work of members of the Juggerknights club to be of the utmost importance to developing the sport in South Africa.”
HMBIA and our editorial office congrats orgteam of “Juggerknights Cup”-2107 with this success and can`t wait to see their fights in the lists of HMB World Championship “Battle of the Nations”.