Irina Rogozovsky,
fighter of the National Team of Israel
… Concerning her way to HMB sport
Travelling across Poland, I met some reenactors and they told me about historical reenactment clubs in Israel…For me, fighting in armor is sport and fun. I like to hit people! :). And I’ve been doing it for 2 years.
… Concerning her armor and weapons
My kit represents Western Europe, the middle of the XIVth century. My captain, Mikhail Morgulis, advised me to get the kit.
I also have an axe which is wonderfully decorated, it was specially made for me by Marcin, my friend, a blacksmith from Poland.

… Concerning the sports in general
I practiced show jumping for 8 years. But what really helps me is the fact that I have served in the Israeli army (3 years in the infantry).
… Concerning the qualities needed by any HMB fighter
In my opinion, a good HMB fighter must be a team player, both on the lists and outside them, in the daily life of the team.
… Concerning training and tournament preparations
Constant training. Emphasis on techniques and teamwork.
… Concerning favorite category
Buhurts and only buhurts! Triathlon lacks the factor of teamwork, which is an integral part of the sport for me, so I am not interested in triathlon as a form of fighting. And at the moment, the only alternative for women’s fights, provided by HMB is triathlon.
So, at “Battle of the Nations” I can only participate in “All vs All.”
… Concerning desirable changes
I would provide any fighter, regardless of their sex, with an opportunity to join the National Team. Only achievements and merits of a fighter, not gender, should be taken into account. Because of the policy I cannot fight as a member of our team, though I train as hard as other fighters and deserve a place in the composition.
… Concerning the brightest impression at “Battle of the Nations”-2014
I was pleasantly surprised by the new teams, they were much better than it was expected of them.… Concerning the most memorable fight
Best of all I remember my first professional fight with the Australian fighter Skye Burnie.
… Expectations concerning “Battle of the Nations”-2015
At the next “Battle of the Nations” I want to fight as a representative of my “five-member team” against “five-member teams” from other countries.And women buhurts are in the first place!!!
I expect that the organizers will draw conclusions from all the wrong points of “Battle of the Nations”-2014, and will consider them in the future.
… Wishes to beginners
Strive for the best and be the best. And promote women fighters in your teams.
Thank you!
Interview by
Miroslav ?remenko,