October 17-18, 2014
Illinois State Fair Grounds Livestock Center in Springfield, IL
Steel Combat Workshop for Fighters
Friday, Oct 17 – All day workshop with some of the best HMB fighters in the world, including top fighters from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus! Not open to general public.
Tournament of Chivalry
Saturday, Oct 18 – Doors open to public at 11 a.m.
Fighting is from noon until 3 p.m. Main event is the 5 vs 5 team tournament. Undercard fights include singles champion finals and pro fights.
$10 per person at the door
$25 maximum per family
Free to all armored fighters in the tournament*
*All fighters must have active membership in Empire of Medieval Pursuits, Inc. EMP Membership allows the organization to extend its liability insurance. This insurance is required to gain access to most public facilities, but should not in any way be considered personal insurance or medical coverage.
Tickets go on sale September 10
More information:
To be aware of all the upcoming events, follow HMB tournament map! botn.info/en-events
To add your event to the international calendar of HMB tournaments, fill in the form at goo.gl/SwuaCV