Hurry up for “Medieval World tournament” in Brazil!

04 Oct 2017 12:24

The tournament will take place on November 10 and 11, in San Paulo, Brazil. The organizers prepared a wide program. Variety of categories for our iron fighters and spectacular show and festival attractions for the public.

The event organized by “Mundo Medieval” and “Carnafolk”.

All teams participating in this contest may take part in the following categories:

1) Female duels “1 vs 1”
2) Male duels “1 vs 1” – modeling “Battle of the Nations 2017”
3) Polearm duels “1 vs 1″
4) Male group “3 vs 3”
5) Male group “5 vs 5”
6) Female group “3 vs 3”
7) Buhurt friendly “All against all”.

The rules of the tournament will follow the HMB system, with marshalls qualification and accreditation for the HMB system.

Registration can be made online

The event will be accompanied by Brazilian historical specialists, appointed by Team Brazil, to validate the armor and weapon used by the fighters.

The tournament will be a part of the Medieval themed event – The Tournament of the King of the Valley.

The event will also include musical attractions, exhibitions of handicrafts, lecturers, itinerant artists, falconry, medieval games and other historical attractions, all with the purpose of spreading the sport and culture of the Middle Ages among visitors.

To visit detailed rules, hosting and the Invitation Card, click here

Organizers wish everyone involved an excellent tournament, with the hope that it will be a sporting practice with the spirit of a partnership involving sports and medievalism, and HMBIA News is joining this wishes.


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Oradea Fortress, Romania