HMB stars will share their experiences with participants of the marshal summit

15 Apr 2014 12:36

Participants of the marshal summit which is to be held on May 9-11 in Prague, will be offered seminars, exam and entertainment program.

The info was conveyed by Anton Trubnikov, HMBIA President.

On the first day, May 9, novice marshals will be accredited. The program for the day includes an exam and seminar, which are to be held by the head of marshal committee, Alexander Davydov.

On May 10, there’ll be a workshop by the Russians Alexander Nikitin and Vitaly Gryzlov, who are captain and coach of the team “Bear Span” (one of the favorites of the final qualifying event in Moscow). Organizers promise the seminar will be of interest not only to marshals, but captains and coaches of clubs and national teams.

As for May 11, participants will be able to take a break from classes and enjoy the entertainment program.


Christina Korneva

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