2 HMB Soft workshops were held in Argentina as part of the “5th HMB ARGENTINE CUP” tournament – on Monday, October 14th, in the city of San Isidro and on Tuesday in Buenos Aires, and were attended by 60 HMB athletes over 2 days. Ali Askerov, HMB Soft Russia curator, who conducted both seminars, said that such an influx of participants is, of course, very rewarding for him. This indicates, first of all, that HMB athletes in this country are willing to improve and learn. Having only mastered the basics of sports, you can competently develop in the future.
Both days of the workshop were devoted to the basic methods of athletes’ training.Sergio Eduardo Scabone, a fighter of the Valherjes club from Buenos Aires, was one of the seminar participants. He told us about how it was and what lessons he learned for himself:
“We have the honor of participating in the soft workshop held in San Isidro this weekend, where Ali Askerov and Sergey Myasischev, can show to members from Argentina, Chile and Brazil the
HMB Soft methodology of teaching and training for kids. We also see exercises, techniques, some rulings and the importance of planning for evaluating our work as trainers and the progression of our students. It is easy to see that Sergey and Ali have a deep knowledge in this area, because of the clear and useful directives they gave to us.
This seminar make us understand that the future of HMB sport it is much bigger than we thought”, – told Sergio.

Ali Askerov and Sergey Myasischev will next hold a series of workshops in Brazil. Follow us for the results of these events later in our next publications.