Galina Kohvakko,
fighter of “Tannenberg” club (Russia),
fighter of National Team of Russia,
twice champion of Russia,
twice champion of the CIS,
silver medalist of the World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations”-2014
… Concerning her way to HMB sport
I started my participation in HMB competitions in 2010. For me, full contact fights are challenging and interesting kind of martial arts. I perceive historical medieval battle as a sport and practise it systematically.
… Concerning her armor
The set I use is a stylized Polish armor of 1380-1410-s. Elements of this equipment are the most convenient for me and create a harmonious, neat appearance.
… Concerning sports in general
I practised no sport (professionally) until 2010. I am a journalist by education. I finished a music school where I took piano and classical acoustic guitar lessons.When I started HMB training my coach told me to do weightlifting. Now I successfully combine HMB with gym training. I think that I wouldn’t achieve such results on the lists without weightlifting.
… Concerning her combat techniques and features
I believe that fencing is a very intelligent form of martial arts. During a fight I constantly think about what kind of combination of hits I can use. An ideal fight for me is a one where I got hit minimally, while I score the maximum number of points. My guarantee of victory is speed and intelligence.
… Concerning the qualities needed by every HMB fighter
My subjective opinion is that the fighter should be composed, rational and calm on the lists.
… Concerning training and tournament preparations
I have a personal HMB trainer who controls my training process, writes a program of training and corrects fencing techniques. Preparing for a competition I do not single out any special approaches, I practice both fencing and weightlifting systematically.
… Concerning the season of 2014
At the beginning of the last year, I participated in a series of professional fights “Bogatyr (Strong man)” in Moscow. The audience noted that my fight was one of the most spectacular events of the evening. After the qualifying rounds for “Battle of the Nations”-2014 my coach, Alexey Petrik and I took the first places at the “Sword of Moscow” tournament. After the World Championship we were invited to the CIS Championship in the Crimea together with Team Russia. I became an absolute champion among women there. In November, we went to one of the most exciting tournaments of the season, “Dmitry Donskoy’s Big Cup” where we also won the gold.
Concerning previous seasons, we went to competitions more often, but now we focus on the training process and take less trips. I managed to win 27 gold medals within a few years of competitive activity. I am grateful to my coach for that.… Concerning favorite category
I like the “sword-buckler” and “sword-sword” the most.

… Concerning findings after “Battle of the Nations”-2014
I plan to pay attention to the speed of my attacks.
… Concerning the brightest moment of “Battle of the Nations”-2014
I remember being proud for representing my National Team in the final battles. Russian fans gave us massive support.
… Expectations concerning “Battle of the Nations”-2015
I want to prove that I have a wonderful coach. I plan to meet the expectations of my numerous fans, meet my friends from France and Poland.… Wishes to novices
Try to set goals and achieve them! Your brain protects you better than armor. Think of what you do on the lists, try to fence nicely!Interview by
Miroslav ?remenko,