“Estonia meets HMB Soft”

19 Jan 2017 16:52
On January 14-15th, fighter of Estonian club Nordburg and the rest of the HMB movement’s participants in the country had the opportunity to take part in the first HMB Soft seminar. Seminar turned out quite eventful, so the weekend passed rapidly for both sides. Participants were met with the art of handling soft weapons with the help of HMB Soft general judge Sergey Myasischev, HMB Soft coordinator Ali Askerov and cpe (common physical education) and spe (special p.e.) specialist Sergey Zolotarev. HMB Soft coordinator Ali Askarov told HMBIA News about the unique seminar.
Ali Askerov:
“10 people from the Estonian club Nordburg took part in the seminar. First day of the seminar was dedicated to methods of work with teenagers and process of preparing the training for them. Were discussed such moments as safety technique, rules of the communication in group, construction of exercises and worm up (c,p,e,), method of special physical ed. For HMB Soft and methods of tactical-technical preparations for the HMB Soft (punches, guard positions and movement). We separated the seminar into theoretical part and practical part for all the participants.

Second day was dedicated to the system of constructing the sparring trainings for the students and immediate judgement of the HMB Soft: preparatory exercises in pairs, task sparring, free sparring and the battles with judges by the rules of HMB Soft”.

The seminar was finished with no less important theme. Here, Estonians found out about the methods of collecting the group and opening of new training grounds. Coaches shared with the participants their experience based on the work of Trans-regional social organization of cooperating to the development of military-historical reconstruction “Valour of the Ages”. In this topic, Estonian fighters not only received common recommendations, but found out about the “underwater stones”, with which they might come face to face in the working process.
According to Ali, everything went in the form of open dialogue.

Our hero, as the other representatives of the HMB Soft conducting the seminar are content with the results, because the work took place in the warm, friendly atmosphere and it proved to be fruitful. Ali also thanked the Estonian fighters for the great reception.

As it has become known in our editorial office, the representatives of the HMB Soft are planning for the next seminar to take place in Finland on the first weekends of February 2017. HMBIA News will tell the results of the Finnish seminar in the next publications.

We wish HMB Soft coordinator Ali Askerov and HMB club Nordburg further development, success and would like to thank for an interview and photos.


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1st-4th July
Oradea Fortress, Romania