How many HMB clubs are in the Czech Republic?
– There are approximately seven teams altogether in the Czech Republic. In Prague we have two, two in Pilsen, one in Vyso?ina, Slezsko and Moravia. The most active ones are SKSKB Prague, MFC Vyso?ina and MFC Slezsko. These three are stable ones and have constant existence.
How many certificated national and international Marshals do you have?
– We have three certificated international Marshals. Michal Vyhnálek is the head Marshal on local tournaments, and he also attends major international competitions – for example, the “Battle of the Nations”-2017. On the national level we have other six active Marshals.
Is there any kind of an inside rivalry, competition between clubs in your country?
– Yes, of course. The best teams and fighters can represent our country at the “Battle of the Nations”-2018. But, on the other hand, there is also a friendship and support among clubs and teams. Eventually, we do the same sport and that unites us.
How many tournaments have been held in 2017?
– There were two rounds of national elimination for “Battle of the Nations”-2018 in Jemnice and Ostrava. Furthermore, HMB battle with tournament at Mra? was held in summer and many other smaller exhibition tournaments, that we could use to promote HMB.
Do you have particularly strong fighters? Can you describe their most outstanding, remarkable combats? Maybe, their fighting techniques, battles with interesting, strong competitors, personal stories?
– In SKSKB Prague we have a team called “Prague Trolls”, it is the strongest team with many experienced fighters, who fought at the “Battle of the Nations” or “Dynamo Cup” and other prestigious tournaments. I can name a captain Jan Burgerstain, who had a profight with Sergey Ukolov last year in Moscow and Lukáš Je?ábek, who had a profight with Vitali Gryzlov. Both our fighters lost, but they got valuable experience, our another fighter Daniel Dufek won his profight round. Female fighters are successful too. Our team “Prague Vixens” got the 4th place at the “Battle of the Nations”-2017 and a Bronze medal from “Dynamo Cup”-2017. The fights in female buhurt categories can be very long, the longest one at the “Dynamo Cup” lasted for 21 minutes! Especially I can name the captain of the Prague vixens, Pavla Markupová, who got a silver medal at the “Battle of the Nations”- 2017 in the Longsword category.
How do you evaluate developing HMB-movement in the Czech Republic in general? Are you satisfied and what does it need to be improved?
– The HMB movement in the Czech Republic has gone through many changes and develops since 2012. We try to develop and popularize HMB as much as we can. We organize tournaments and other events. Since autumn 2017, we opened an HMB class for children, so that we can bring up another generation with love and interest in this sport. We would like to find more sponsors, so that we could make further development of HMB in our country.
Is there an official organization that deals with the development of the sport in the country? How many active members, who manage HMB, are in the Czech Republic?
– Our national captain Josef Pohl is the highest representative of HMB community in our country. There is also a council of captains of the clubs and teams. This council meets regularly and solve important questions around HMB in the Czech Republic.
HMB battles is mostly a regular hobby for Czech fighters or they treat it as a serious sport?
– The Czech fighters are strongly motivated, as I mentioned before, some of them have already participated in many international prestigious competitions. Every new fighting experience leads to another desire to get better and to win.