When did the HMB start in Austria? How was it?
In 2011 the HMB Movement in Austria was created after a Training Seminar with Anton Trubnikov, former President of the HMBIA. The Association for armored full contact fighting Vienna (VgVK Wien) was established and with it the first weekly opportunity to train with Soft-Sword Equipment for HMB competitions – especially the “Battle of the Nations”-2012 in Warsaw.
How many fighters are in clubs in general?
Depends on the clubs – some are small with arround 10 athletes. Our club in Vienna (VgVK Wien) has currently arround 90 registered Athletes.
How many certificated national and international marshals do you have?
Unfortunately we don’t have international certificated marshals so far. We have 3 national certified ones.
Are there any kind of rivalry between clubs?
Of course it’s normal in a competitive sport like HMB to have some kind if rivalry. Every club in Austria wants to dominate the national tournaments I guess.
How do you evaluate the qualification level of fighters in your country. Could you please describe with some examples?
We hold a national elimination tournament every year in Febuary or March. At first people have to send in their application. After that everyone has to pass a simple fitness test. The last stage are the fights at the elimination tournament. According to their performance the National Team Trainer, Joji ISHIKAWA, decides who fights in which team or who gets the spots at the Duell nominations.
How many tournaments have been held in 2017?
The Austrian HMB clubs organise different small tournaments spread over the country. It’s hard to keep track. I guess 5 – 8 national tournaments besides the elimination for the “Battle of the Nations”.
Summarize and plans for the future
Adapt, Overcome, grow bigger and stronger as a sports movement in Austria.
Do fighters treat HMB as a hobby or as a serious kind of sports and try to earn skills as much as possible?
Depends. We do not have any professional HMB athletes in Austria. But some take it more serious than others. I guess it’s the same in every country.
Austrian captain has a big planns and HMBIA News editorial office sure that he will do it! So let`s wait for the national team of this country on the list of the World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations”-2018 in Rome.