On March 25-26, Blanco Encalada, Lanus, provincia de Buenos Aires held the “Copa Grifo HMB tournament”, which is the biggest tournament in Argentina as well as a cultural event. For 3 years, the whole HMB movement of the country has been gathering to participate and support fighters. Facundo Camilo Lopez – the Captain of C.E.C.M. and recently elected captain of Team Argentina told HMBIA News all about the tournament and its results.
The sportsmen fought in many categories, such as:
Duels – Sword and shield (men and women), longsword (men and women), pole arm (men), buhurt “3vs3″ (women) and “5vs5″ (men).
Facundo Camilo Lopez: “It was a great tournament, two days long, surrounded by a big medieval camp. The first day, the duels where held. The second day was the buhurt for men. Seven teams took part in it. My team was the champion in a really good tournament”.
The results of the “Copa Grifo HMB tournament” are as follows:
Sword and shield
1. Agustín Binaghi “C.E.C.M.”
2. Ivan Castromil Gonçalves “C.E.C.M.”
3. Federico Fisher “Dragones”
1. Nahuel Torres “C.E.C.M.”
2. Naaman Dante “C.E.C.M.”
3. Juan Glasman
1. Sofia Sueldo “C.E.C.M.”
2. Andy Di Francesco “C.E.C.M.”
Sword and shield
1. Rocío Bergallo -“Valherjes”
2. Lourdes Vazquez – “Lobo Negro”
3. Maggie Marras – “C.E.C.M.”
Pole arm
1. José “Pepe” Villani -“Valherjes”
2. Bruno Alesso – “Acero y Sangre”
3. Ariel Caro – “Ghoakhan”
3.”Lobo Negro”
HMBIA News wants to pay your attention that as you can see from the results, Andy Di Francesco is back in HMB-sport.
Facundo Camilo Lopez: “Yes, she is back. We are really happy. We all love her very much. She is the bravest woman I know”. HMBIA and our editorial office also glad to see Andy on the list and cannot wait to welcome all her family at the “Battle of the Nations”. Also, we want to thank Facundo Camilo Lopez for the interview and wish a lot of great tournaments and interesting fights.