In the heart of the biggest city in Latin America everything is possible. Brasil Trading Fitness Fair, one of the most important sports and fitness fair in the continent, representative of Joe Weider’s Olympia, hosted Historical Medieval Battles as well.In the last edition, more than 50,000 visitors were passionate about the fitness and wellness market that could count on networking lectures and many business opportunities. It’s about different sports and the HMBIA stand was something new and fresh! The interest of the audience was high and this gave the new opportunities for the further development of the sport in South America. Around 600m² were filled by the first wooden lists in South America and endorsers of the project Arena Medieval, that presented 3 days with plenty of fights in duels, buhurt, profights, HMB Soft and also female duels.

Brazilian HMB community is growing and reaching the spotlights in America. Amount of fighters has increased, teams registered in Buhurt League and the tournament were visited by honorable members of HMBIA, as Sergey Myasishchev, the head of the HMBIA Marshal Committee, Ali Askerov, curator of HMB Soft Russia, and Irina Kamaeva, HMBIA representative.
Close to the lists, an HMBIA booth presented the sport to visitors, with a monitor where the audience could see for the very first time the atmosphere of Battle of the Nations previous editions.
On friday, Brazilian fighters could participate in Buhurt, HMB Soft and marshal seminars, learning important techniques and knowledge from the experienced Al and Sergey.
At night, the first HMB Soft tournament in Brazil took place and title was held by Silver Sword Company new sensation, Ernesto Sampaio, 15 years old. Matheus Franco and João Lobo was the second and third in that nomination, all from the same team.
“Can´t wait for the opportunity to visit Riga World Championship someday and learn from the best”, – says Ernesto, that already carries the will to cross the world just to fight.Saturday had duels nominations and Buhurt. Here are results of these fights:
Sword and Shield
1. Fábio Charming
2. Guilherme Bovo
3. Gabriel Malentachi
Sword and Buckler
1. Fábio Charming Toniolo
2. Matheus “Viking”
3. Gabriel Malentachi
1. Fábio Toniolo
2. Matheus Viking
3. Guilherme Bovo
5 vs 5 male
1. Silver Guard
2. Red Company
3. War Wolves
4. Fire Gryphon
Аfter that, a HEMA national tournament was fought by around 14 fighters in longsword nomination. Ali Askerov joined brazilians and got first place, after a hard fight against Felipe Barreto, from Salvador, and Victor Soares, from Paraná, member of the Order of the Fire Gryphon.
Next, the Profight:
1. Vítor Fermiano – New Order
2. Ruan Estelai – War WolvesMiddle Weight
1. Leandro Souza – Silver Sword
2. Benjamin Rudder – War WolvesHeavyweights
1. João Zerbinatti – red company
2. Arlindo Turbian – red company
Superheavy weight
1. Marcos Ferrari – Silver Sword
2. Renato Malva – War Wolves
“HMB is inspiring and is becoming popular in Brazil. Profights for me are duels with some Buhurt, a place where the braves find peace. And I found mine as well”, – says Marcos Ferrari.
The day was not over. It was also time for female duels, when 5 girls fought Sword and Shield nominations:
Sword and Shield female
1. Natacha Karoline, Red Company
2. Helo Gusmao, Red Company
3. Izabela Lopes, Silver Sword Company
At last and yet important, this tournament also could see the rise of two new bees for marshal team. Julia Soares and Adriana di Cesare, trainees working with Daniel Felipe, HMBIA Marshal, made a good impression to Mr. Myasishchev in Argentina and Brazil, getting their certificate in their own land. HMB community welcome you.
“These ladies are awesome and hardworking. I have much to learn from them and to share with them. New marshals mean HMB is becoming serious in Brazil and being part of it is an honor”, – says Daniel Felipe.
And this is it. South America is raising. It will take time, but with that basis and more training interchanges, these fighters will soon fight for titles around the world.