It is no secret that the HMB movement participants –
athletes, marshals or sports fans – are very interesting people! Interests of these people is not confined only to
HMB sports, but experience in other areas makes a fighter or marshal only stronger and more effective. HMBIA News continues to introduce you to each other. Today we will talk about
Alina Lappo who is the youngest HMB
world champion in Triathlon from Russia.

Alina became a real sensation of the HMB World Championship
Battle of the Nations 2019. Many HMB athletes are familiar with the strikes of her blade, but not with her personally. Our journalist talked to the girl and now we will tell you everything about her that you might want to know, but were embarrassed to ask.So, the city of
Petrozavodsk (Russia) gave us many talented HMB athletes. Alina is no exception, although she got into steel sports almost by accident:
“We, in Petrozavodsk, have been hosting the festival of historical reconstruction
Onego. Legends of the North. I once came to the festival as a guest and got acquainted with this sport. ”
Alina left her heart there! This festival became crucial for the young schoolgirl. At that time, Alina was not 18 years old and she could not fight in armor, so she started with HMB Soft. But then, after traveling to competitions with her coach, she decided that it was time to assemble her own steel kit. It is worth noting that during this festival Alina met Galina Kohvakko. She became not only a trainer for the athlete, but also a close friend.
Now there will be unexpected news! The girl tried to fight in steel only a few times before the Battle of the Nations in Serbia!

“If we are talking about steel preparation, then not for long. Most of the training are on soft weapons. I put on steel armour only a couple of times to adjust armor if it is necessary”, – said Alina.Given this fact, as well as the technical ability, strength and endurance of the athlete, the victory was stunning and sensational! Opponents were experienced and tough. Watching these fights was an incredible pleasure. How did the Champion herself react to the victory? A logical question, to which a completely unexpected answer is received:
“To be honest, nothing special. Perhaps the reason is that it was only my third steel tournament and I was not mentally prepared for what would happen – to win the World Championship. For a very long time I was in an emotional stupor. ”

Despite her World Champion status, Alina does not plan to stop there. She said that she is trying herself in the Profight. But she does not plan to leave Triathlon.
But what about life outside of sport? This calm and technical athlete outside the training gym is a real mystery! Different and unpredictable. Outside HMB, Alina completed 11 classes with a chemical and biological bias. However, she then decided that she did not want to be a scientist. The self search led Alina into a sphere unexpected for a biologist – hairdressing. However, the search for oneself continues.
“I really like to ride various types of “transport”: skate, unicycle, bicycle, scooter. If I only had time … At home I have three cats, a dog, two rats and a parrot. I love animals very much! Being a child, I even wanted to be a veterinary”.
Alina Lappo admitted that she has virtually no free time. If suddenly there are free minutes, they are immediately filled with work or sleep. In addition, the rebellious spirit breaks free:
“I really want to leave the city somewhere far away, build a house and never come back to city. And also to parachute”.
We thank Alina Lappo for this interesting conversation and wish her to find herself and fulfill all her plans and dreams. But, please, do not leave HMB sport and delight us with beautiful fights and new victories!