“Battle of the Nations”-2017 is coming and we faced a lot of inquiries about who can join the National Team. It is very important moment for the Championships and the HMB movement at all, so we decided to make everything clear for the public and National Team Captains who bear full responsibility for their teams and fighters. So, who and on what basis could join the National Team that competes at “Battle of the Nations”?

Our rules are very strict in the matter of National Team forming. Them were voted during the HMBIA Summit 2014 that took place on 29-30th of November 2014 in Prague. Accordingly to Captains and National Representatives decision there are only two ways for fighters or legionnaires to join the National Team:
1) to have a nationality of the National Teams’ country that the fighter wants to join;
2) to have a permanent residence in the National Teams’ country that the fighter wants to join.These rules are valid for most of combat categories of the World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations”: all categories “Duel” 1 vs 1 and category “Polearm Duel” 1 vs 1 both male and female, Category “Group Battles” 5 vs 5.
However, there are two categories-exceptions from the rules:
1) category “Mass Battles” 21 vs 21 (decision of HMBIA Summit 2014);
2) women’s Category “Group Battles” 3 vs 3 (decision of HMBIA Summit 2015).
Our regulations allow alliances and mixed teams in above mentioned categories-exceptions. But they have to fight as one National Team only and if they (legionnaires) don’t have an own teams in these categories. In other words, legionnaires are able to join an alien National Team to participate in “Battle of the Nations” categories of 21 vs 21 and 3 vs 3 only. They should wear tabards of an appropriate National Team.