Banner Sviatoslav the Brave

04 Apr 2019 22:58
Ukraine, which has consistently held second place in the medal ranking of the HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations for many years in a row, presented its banner for fights in the most massive category 150 vs 150. The banner Sviatoslav the Brave is named in honor of the glorious warrior, commander, Prince of Kiev Svyatoslav, who received the nickname “the Brave” for his military exploits. The banner consists only of the Ukrainian National team representatives.
The fighters from Ukraine are experienced, fearless and tough. To meet them at the lists means to gain invaluable experience! To whom it will fall to come out against Ukraine, we will find out a bit later. In the meantime HMBIA News will continue to introduce to you the banners of the other participants of the Championship.

You can refresh your memory with regards to the 150 vs 150 battle regulations here.

All the questions: Artem Vasilev
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