We have 16 fighters in the association, but for economic reasons we’ll bring only 7 to the tournament, we also have a female fighter but unfortunately she won’t be able to go this year. At this competition we will only participate in the “5 vs 5” category, we hope we will be able to bring more fighters next year to participate in other categories.
One of our strongest fighters is our blacksmith, several years of hammering the anvil made him a very tough opponent. We hope he’ll be on equals with strong opponents! He is a very noble person and the whole team esteems him a lot.
Our expectations concerning Battle of the Nations-2014 are huge. For many of our fighters it’s their first time out of the country, it’s the first time Mexico will participate in a sport of this kind, we want to show our best in the competition and hope to meet the expectations of the international community. Wait for June 12 to see the Mexican debut.
Alberto Baal Jimenez,
captain of the National Team of Mexico