Alberto Baal Jimenez, Mexico: “We have been strengthening our teamwork “

26 Apr 2016 11:12

HMB-sport had grown in México! According to Alberto Baal Jimenez (captain of the National Team of Mexico), there are 7 different clubs now and 36 registered fighters.

Alberto Baal Jimenez, captain of the National Team of Mexico: “Each club has its own trainning method. We upgraded our armours and we are trying different styles of them, and we are trying new weapons every season. We have been strengthening our teamwork and also teaching fighters to deffend themselves. Also we have lots of drills and sparring. For example my group have sparrings at least fights twice a week”.

As Alberto told us, they have 5 National tournaments each season. It`s spectacular and useful. First of all it helps to attract audience and new people in movement and, of course, this events hel? to try new equipment and new technics.



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