HMBIA asked David Dixon, fighter of “Ursus” HMB-club (USA) if he has in plans performance in other categories and his answer was clear and short!
David Dixon:
“I am interested in the style of pro fights and I am training to hopefully compete in that style of fighting starting in mid 2017 provided that orgteam of International Tournament of Chivalry “ITOC”-2017 will add such a category and make it possible for me to consider performing in it. However the 5vs5 tournament in “ITOC” is very tough. I will probably just focus all of my energy to do my best for 5vs5 and train hard with my team to have better chances at winning next year’s IToC. Also, as for duels, our club has better dueliest than me and he will do much better at representing our club at “ITOC”.
It’s always interesting to try something new, to examine ourselves. Especially it is interesting in HMB-sport. So let’s wish good luck on the stadium to David Dixon and his opponents. We, in our turn, will be waiting for the opportunity to see his performance in a different nomination!