17 and 18th of September “Principessa Isabella” tournament is held in Volpiano (Turin-Italy). As Antonio De Zio told HMBIA News, it is the first event for female-fighters that he had an honor of organizing. There will be fights in category “1vs1″ (Triathlon) using HMB rules for tournament categories.
Antonio De Zio, captain of National team of Italy:
“This is going to be a massive medieval event with battles as well as other interesting activities. Sandy Furlini, one of the organizers of the event, asked me to conduct the “1vs1″ (triathlon) tournament with HMB rules. We agreed that if there is a sufficient number of women interested in participation, we will also do the 1vs1 female tournament”.
According to Antonio, only one fighter was interested in participation at the time of the initial proposition of such tournament, then the number suddenly rose to four women. Italian captain noticed that it’s not easy to interest the fitting number of fighters in such a tournament.
Antonio De Zio:
“Before, in Italy, only a few women-fighters could participate in male tournaments and such thing felt somewhat unfair.. The addition of the female category in HMB World Championship “Battle of the Nations” has inspired a lot of women to train and participate in the tournaments. There is no need to fight with men. Now, ladies have their own tournament. I really hope that the female categories will gradually develop”.
We hope so too! This is the good news not only for Italian HMB,but also for the HMB worldwide movement and a big step forward to making our dream come true – to develop all the directions of HMB sport all over the world. Traditionally, we would like to wish success, tough fights and great victories to female-fighters who will participate in “Principessa Isabella” tournament.