The first HMBIA Summit took place in Ukraine in 2010. During all these years we had an opportunity to see the development and improvement of the HMB sport and entire movement. Edouard Eme participated in this historical event. That time he was a simple representative of the country, and now he is the president of the HMBIA. He told us about that first summit:
“The first summit I remember consisted essentially in an impressive press conference in Kiev. I was very impressed by the professionalism of such meeting and the means put in the event. It appeared to all as a proof of seriousness and was very official. I met my counterparts from Quebec, Italy, USA, Russia, Poland for the first time (Anton Trubnikov from Ukraine I had already met before). At the time, the HMBIA did not exist yet, so it was mainly about preparing the Battle of the Nations, and we were all super hyped about it”.

Evgenii Galushin, HMBIA secretary also noted the scale of this year’s summit, which looks colossal compared to the 2010 event:
it’s really great and significant that we had the 10th anniversary HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations, with a record number of participants, camps, countries, categories, fights for the tournament. This year is the 10th summit. The largest number of participants will also gather here. It means we are growing, our movement is developing. We are moving together towards the sports.