But let`s get back to awesome ladies from “Prague Vixens” team. All the members of ?zech Republic team were there and were cheering their girls from the beginning to the end. The most crucial moment was during fight with team “Caracal”, where fighter Jana Hrubesova from Vixens fought in fourth round unbelievable 21 minutes with the opponent.
Tomáš Gajdošík:
“I could not even imagine fighting so long… I asked Jana after the fight about her feelings and she said: „During this fight I knew that I didn’t want to give up. I was angry, also a bit desperate from such a long round. I felt so tired, but I knew that my opponent is tired even more! That gave me strength. When the list was opened I did not believe that It has ended. I still can’t believe that we won.“ Then this fight had another round from which Vixens came as a winner and got to the third place, that is really awesome result for such a young team”.
Tomáš also told us that all his team really enjoyed “Dynamo Cup”-2017 tournament, and are thankful for being invited to the top of the HMB world. The atmosphere was fantastic and it was one of the best fights to be seen at one stage for the fighters from Prague.
Thank for the photo to WMFC Knights