The first duel championship in France! Details are here

04 Mar 2018 16:20

For the first time on the 17th-18th of February French selections in duel categories were organized separately from the team fights. The event was called “Behourd Duels – Championnats de France”- 2018. It was organized by the “La Salle d’Armes” HMB club in cooperation with the French Federation. The orgteam of the tournament explained to the HMBIA News the need to organize a separate duel tournament. The fact is the fighters from the whole world are getting better each year, and the sport is in great expansion. So, it was important to propose to all French fighters the opportunity to meet on a week-end dedicated to duels, without being exhausted with the “5 vs 5″ or other categories, because it used to be on the same date.

Organizers told our reporter that in this way they’d wanted to attract the best fighter in order to reach a higher level of competition in each category. For this first edition, there were 20 participants, and it was great to see all those fighters giving their best to be able to represent France on the world championship!

Here are the results of the Championship:

Organizers were a bit sad there was no one in the polearm category, but they hope their initiative and the results they had this year will attract many other warriors for the next editions of the event.

With support of the French Federation, the “La Salle d’Armes” club also want to improve the conditions for the athletes at the event and to promote Bohurt in the country in the best possible way.

So, as we can see the tournament was tough and impressive. We wish this great team more interesting events and, of course, can`t wait to see the National Team of France on the list of the World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations”-2018 in Rome.


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