150vs150 a unique fight!

05 May 2019 17:54
At last! The most anticipated event of the tenth anniversary HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations was a tremendous success! In an enormous list made specifically for these fights, fighters carried their banners. The sight was fantastic !!! The audience in the stands roared. One viewer described goosebumps. Another was at a loss for words.
HMBIA News got a hold of the captain of the Serbian national team, Aleksandar Dobri Urosevic, immediately after the end of the battles. His enthusiasm was contagious:
“It was amazing! It was very nice, very good fights. Fights in this category were the thing that you can do once in your life and it was epic. Everyone loved it!”
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the fighters for such an amazing fight.
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1st-4th July
Oradea Fortress, Romania