1.1 There are no weight categories in the “Group battles” category.


In case of any disagreements the final decision is made by the knight marshal.

1.2 The team of referees includes the knight marshal (chief referee), field marshals (2-4 people), linesmen or marshals dealing with the video observation, secretary and authenticity master.

1.3 “Group battles” are held in a rigid list of the following size: width – 10 m, length – 20 m, the height of the sides of the lists is 1.30 m.


Organizers are urged to provide a safety zone, enclosed by an external rigid barrier. The width of the safety zone is 2 m from each side of the list.

During the fight (round), only marshals, the team captain (or the person substituting him), the team second (the one who hands out the weapons), the technicians and the accredited cameramen  are allowed to be in the security zone.

All persons except marshals must not put their hands on the list.

Presence of any combat or non-combat member of the national team in the security zone results in the imposition of penalties on him or his team (yellow card).

1.4 A group of fighters for the category “Group battles” which consists of main and reserve fighters, according to a certain number of participants.


Reserve fighters can substitute the main fighters with any frequency and in any number between the rounds or battles.

Reserve fighters cannot participate in the battles as members of other teams.

The number of reserve fighters:
a) in the fights 3vs3 – 2 fighters;
b) in the fights 5vs5 – 3 fighters;
c) in the fights 21vs21 – number of main fighters is 21, number of fighters in reserve is 29, total number fighters in the team is 50;
d) in other categories of fights (10vs10, 15vs15) – number of reserve vighters should be decided by the discretion of the organizers of the competition.

1.5 The battle lasts till the two victories in the rounds are obtained and consists of 2, 3 or more rounds (if the final round ends in a draw). The team which defeats all rival fighters first, gets a victory in a round.

1.6 Each battle lasts no more than 10 minutes, each round lasts no more than 5 min. At the end of this time the team with the most fighters capable of continuing the battle wins the round. If the score is equal at the end of time (by rounds, by points):

1.6.1 in case of fight taking place during a pool (rating, circuit-style or other) stage of tournament, which do not provide elimination, both teams are awarded a “draw”;

1.6.2 in case of fight take place during elimination stage of the tournament , an additional round of 5 minutes is held. If the additional round ends with draw, winner is determined by total score.

1.7 The points for a win in a round are scored at the rate of 1 point for each fighter standing on his feet.


In the case of a threefold or more supremacy of one of the teams, the fight stops. A win is awarded to the team that has an advantage. The score is determined by a formula: (the number of the remaining fighters of the winning team) to (0). The minimum score in this case is 3 – 0.

1.8 A win in a battle is the base point for the ratings. The number of wins in rounds and the scores in them are considered additional data for the ratings.

1.9 The knight marshal (chief referee) on his own or through the MC or secretary invites two teams on the list and announces the readiness of the two following teams.


Two teams invited for the next battle have to come to a special place near the lists, where they go through a pre-combat historical, aesthetic and technical inspection of equipment. The functions of the technical committee of the event are performed by the referees and knight marshal.

The functions of the historical committee of the event are performed by the authenticity masters and officers.

1.10 The invited teams have to appear on the lists within 1 minute of being called.


The knight marshal may ask the fighters to enter the lists with their helmets off. After the verification of fighters’ identities via the list of admitted participants, they will be given 90 seconds (and no more) to put on their helmets and be ready for the battle. The seconds who are behind the list barrier, can help the fighters to put on the helmets. The fighters have no right to leave the lists before the start of the fight. This measure is necessary to prevent the possibility of substitution.

If the fighters appear in the lists later than 3 minutes after they’ve been invited or come unprepared, the rival team is awarded a “technical win” or fight is declared in a differentiated composition 4-5, 3-5.

The captain can ask 1 additional minute time-out twice per tournament (between the rounds or fights).

1.11 The procedure for preparing for a fight (round):

1.11.1 after the invitation of the team, they approach the list ready for battle and are to fall into rank for recounting. When carrying out 21 vs 21 battles – in three ranks of 7 fighters, maintaining the alignment in the rows and lines. When fighting 5 vs 5 or 3 vs 3 – in one line. In other cases – in accordance with the Regulations on the event or (unless otherwise specified in the Regulations on the event) at the discretion of the knight marshal;

1.11.2 all but the knight marshal, field marshals, fighters and captain (representative) of each team leave the list;

1.11.3 the captain (or representative) of the team recounts the fighters and reports readiness to the knight marshal. The knight marshal checks the number of fighters in each team.


Responsibility for the concordance of the number of fighters in the team on the list to the rules lies entirely on the team captain! In the event of violations, the penalty is imposed on the team as a whole, in accordance with paragraph 2.7

1.11.4 the captain (representative) of the team leaves the list. Field marshals occupy places behind teams backs at the gate of the lists;

1.11.5 the captain (representative) of the team and the second (handing out the weapons) take places at the specially designated zone outside the lists;

1.11.6 the knight marshal inquires the field marshals for readiness and for the absence of unwanted individuals in the list;

1.11.7 the knight marshal announces the command “prepare for battle!” after which the teams can take the battle formation.

1.12 The knight marshal signals the start of the battle, giving the command “Fight!” After the “Fight!” command the marshals may temporarily leave the lists (on the basis of safety requirements), after the teams have entered into a battle interaction – they must return to the lists for the performance of their functions.

1.13 The linesmen (referees) or the marshals dealing with the video observation, observe the battle in their sectors of the lists, while staying behind the barrier, record the violations they see, but do not interfere in the course of the battle.


The linear marshals can interfere in the course of the battle only after a direct command of the knight marshal or field marshals or due to the situation that poses direct threat to the life or health of a fighter (fighters).

1.14 The field marshals observe the battle in the lists, moving along it, and monitor compliance with the rules. The field marshals can bring those who were withdrawn from the battle with the violation of the rules, back to action, as well as separate inactive clinches that last more than 10 seconds.

1.15 The knight marshal observes the general course of the fight and assesses the interaction of the teams and fighters on the lists. The knight marshal can take measures to: bring back those who were taken out of the fight in violation of the rules, withdraw from the fight the fighters, who are considered to be withdrawn from the battle, to separate the inactive clinches that last more than 10 seconds.

1.16 Field marshals and the knight marshal are obliged to take measures to remove a fighter from the fight if:

1.16.1 the fighter continued the fight, being in the position “withdrawn from battle” (see paragraph 1.5 of the current Rules of the Buhurt fights)

1.16.2 the fighter withdrew the opponent from the fight with a violation of the rules (in this case, depending on the situation, a fighter who has violated the rules can be given a yellow or red card).

1.17 The round is to be finished after the command of the knight marshal “Stop fight!” only.


The captain (manager, representative) of a team has the right to throw the “white flag”, in which case the knight marshal stops a fight and gives an opponent a technical victory in the round without taking into account the remaining representatives of the party whose captain threw in the “white flag”. The first time a white flag is used results in the loss of that round. the second time it is used results in the loss of that fight, regardless of the round. The use of a third white flag results in the team’s withdrawal from the tournament. This rule does not apply for situation of hard supremacy more than 2:1 (2 fighters vs 1 or 4 vs 2).

1.18 Fighters withdrawn from the battle keep their positions until knight marshal’s command “Stand up!”.

1.19 After the knight marshal’s command “Stand up!” the fighters return to their original positions on the lists.

1.20 The field marshals come to the knight marshal and report concerning the observed violations. Relying on the reports of the field marshals (and, if necessary, reports of the linesmen or marshals dealing with the video observation), as well as his own observations, the knight marshal decides on the result of the round. After that, he considers the protests (if any), announces the result of the round or battle, gives the oral warnings or the yellow or red cards to the fighters if and where necessary.

1.21 The Secretariat has to record the results in the ratings.

After the round, the victory in the round, round score (the number of soldiers of the winning team remaining in battle at the end of the round) is to be recorded.

The yellow or red cards have to be mentioned in the ratings of the fighters as well.

1.22 The knight marshal announces the second round. The second, and the third round (in case of a draw), are held according to the above scheme.

1.23 After getting two wins in the rounds, the winner of the battle is to be announced.


If the effective time expires within one round, the winner is declared based on the current score. See clause 1.6 of this regulation.

At major international tournaments it is recommended to conduct final fights without taking into account of the effective time.

1.24 The winner gets the main point for the rating, 1 point for winning the battle. All other points of the rating (for winning the rounds, medium points for the rounds, loss of points due to the yellow cards) are taken into account only when the teams have an equal number of points for the win and provide a broadened picture of the combat ratings.

1.25 In case of impossibility to reveal the winner, based on the number of victories in battles (with a circular competition system), the following indicators are taken into account (listed in descending order of importance):

1.25.1 the result of a fight (between mentioned teams);

1.25.2 difference between sum of scores in won rounds (Sw) and sum of scores in lost rounds (Sl). Example: The team held three battles in the pool. The team lost the first fight with a 2-1 round result, the team won the second and third fights with a 2-0 round result. Following the results of fights in the subgroup, the Team has Sw 1+2+2=5. Sl = 2. Sdif = 5-2=3

1.25.3 difference between numbers of gained and lost points;

1.25.4 number of penalties received.



2.1 The rebuke (verbal warning) is a sanction applied to the fighter for insignificant rules violations, which aim is to draw the fighter’s attention to his actions. It’s not to be put in the record.

The warning is the yellow card given to the fighter for rules violation and it is to be stated on the records. The Yellow card influences the rating of the fighter and his team. The Yellow card can be given by the knight marshal of the tournament and by the authenticity master for violation of the rules on the authentic equipment.

A fighter gets the yellow card in the following cases:

2.1.1 For use of any prohibited actions stated in HMB rules for BUHURT CATEGORIES, chapter “4. PROHIBITED Techniques”.

2.1.2 For use of any actions that are not listed in HMB rules for BUHURT CATEGORIES, chapter “3. AUTHORIZED Techniques”.

2.1.3 For rising and standing up on both feet after falling on the lists before the command “Stop the fight!” and before command “Stand up!”.

2.1.4 For unsportsmanlike behavior, boorishness, foul language, shouting at the referees, opponents or spectators.

2.1.5 For starting the battle before the command “To the fight!”

2.1.6 For keeping attacking after the command “Stop the fight!” and a yellow flag hanging in front of the face.

2.1.7 For ignoring the knight marshal’s or field referees’ commands.

2.1.8 For the continuation of the battle, knowing for sure about the loss or breakdown of an important element of protective gear.

2.1.9 For the violation of the rules of safety zone.


For all of the aforementioned  violations, a fighter can receive a yellow card, and in exceptional cases (in case of a particularly serious violation of the rules) -a red card by the decision of the knight marshal.


Fighter is not allowed to be in list in case of using:

a) poor quality, dirty, rusty, dented or not authentic gear;

b) modern shoes or shoes with a visible hiking rubber soles or similar (with high profile);

c) modern tape, plastic ties and every other modern tool used to repair elements of equipment, if they are too visible;

d) the use of images, slogans, etc., clearly modern on the shields, weapons, surcoats, etc.;

e) the use of every other modern object or decoration on the whole equipment that is clearly too visible.

2.2 If a fighter gets two yellow cards he is removed from the competition. Two yellow cards are equal to one red card.2.3 Disqualification (the red card) is the sanction applied to a fighter for serious or recurrent (the second yellow card) rules violation, which should be stated in the report. After the fighter gets the red card he is to be removed from further participation in the competition, and has to be replaced by a substitute fighter of the team. A fighter can be disqualified ONLY by the knight marshal of the tournament.

Grounds for disqualification:

2.3.1 Systematic violation of the rules, when a fighter gets two yellow cards within the event.

2.3.2 Injuring an opponent using a prohibited fighting technique, after which the fighter has no opportunity to continue participation in this event as a result of the injury received and confirmed by the medical inspection.

2.3.3 Gross and systematic dissents with the referees, groundless appeals against their decisions, insults to the opponents or disrespectful behavior towards them, as well as other parties of the competition.

2.4 Disqualification of a fighter affects the rating of his team. The battle, in which a fighter got the red (or the second yellow) card, and the next battle of the event, the team has to conduct with not full membership (one fighter less in comparison to the opponents).


The next fight, after a fighter receives a red card, his team has to conduct with not full membership, but one fighter less in comparison to the opponents. For example, if one team cannot field the full 12 fighters due to injury, the penalised opposing team (with a red card) must fight with 1 fighter fewer. But if both teams have red card penalties, no advantage is given to either side. A fighter which is not able to continue the fight (getting injured due to forbidden actions of the opponent; the opponent got a red card) may be replaced by substitute fighter immediately.

2.5 In the case two fighters of the team are disqualified (got two red cards) and any fighter of the team (5vs5 or 21vs21) gets a warning (yellow card), the knight marshal of the tournament has to disqualify the entire team

2.6 Team disqualification is the sanction applied to the entire team in the following cases:

2.6.1 The team participated in the battle in the composition that exceeds prescribed in the rules. Victory is automatically awarded to the opposing team.


In case of detection of this violation at the end of the competition, the result of the team is canceled.

If the violation is identified in final battles, then the awards and prizes are recalled, and all results are “shifted”.

2.6.2 Team fighters received 2 red cards and 1 warning (yellow card).

2.6.3 The team (3 fighters in a battle 5vs5, 5 fighters in a battle 5vs5 or 21 fighters in a battle 21vs21, etc.) and its battle captain enters into dissent with referees and contests their decision, insults opponents or behaves disrespectfully towards them, as well as other parties of the competition.

2.7 All yellow cards are individual warnings for the fighters, in the case of participation in several categories, fighter’s yellow cards are accumulated. The team receives a yellow card for disqualification of a fighter even if his first yellow was received in the other category.

2.8 In the case of disqualification of a team in a “5 vs 5” or “21 vs 21”, the remaining (not disqualified) fighters of the team can participate in other categories, in accordance with the previously stated lists.



3.1 In case of a well-reasoned disagreement with the decision of the referees and the knight marshal, the captain of the team or an officially (in a written form) appointed assistant, the fighter’s representative, can make a protest. The protest is to be written only in an “Appeal form”, which can be given to the team captain by event organizers. The number of these forms is brought under regulation and decided by organizers of every event.

Appeal should be filed no later than 15 minutes after the end of the fight and, in any case, before the start of the next round of fights.

3.2 The protest is to be well-grounded and can be made on the following occasions:

3.2.1 Removal of the fighter out of the battle with violation of the rules.

3.2.2 Continuation of actions by a fighter of the opposing team after he was removed from a battle.

3.2.3 Improper removal of a fighter out of the battle by the field referee.

3.2.4 Unregistered by the referees a rule violation made by the fighters of the opposing team.

3.2.5 Deliberate injuring.

3.2.6 Application of prohibited techniques to a fighter, which strongly influenced the balance of forces in a battle.

3.3 The protest should be made after the fight is over and the fighters are asked whether they have any claims. The captain or a representative of a fighter who has been observing the fight, makes a well-reasoned protest personally to the knight marshal. The protest is to be considered within 30-45 minutes and before the next fight in the presence of team members.

3.4 Possible outcomes of the protest consideration:

3.4.1 General repeated round.

3.4.2 Repeated round in differential part.

3.4.3 Imposition of the yellow or red card on the fighters.

3.4.4 Disqualification of the team.

3.4.5 The revision of the accounts of a round, or the result of the battle.

3.5 The knight marshal (in case of disputable situations) and captains of the teams if they are reasonably not satisfied with the decision of the knight marshal, can address the Supreme Appeal Commission, which consists of the organizers of the event. For re-appeal you also need fill in “ Appeal Form” and give to the organizers of the event, arguing it in a verbal form.

The re-appeal is to be considered by the Supreme Appeal Commission within 3 hours, it includes watching the video materials and interviewing the panel of referees, after that the final decision is to be taken.


These Regulations have been developed by HMBIA Marshals Committee in collaboration with the HMBIA Authenticity Committee.



1st-4th July
Oradea Fortress, Romania