Yulia Roshchak: “I’ve always been more interested in communications with guys”

26 Apr 2014 18:02
People of HMB movement 
Yulia Roshchak, 17-year-old warrior princess from Ukraine

…about herself, life, her native Odessa. And, of course, about HMB as a sport

– Since my childhood, I’ve always been interested in tough and dangerous sports, which, in their essence, are not for women. I practised karate for a long time, then turned to kickboxing. Now I deal with reenactment. Swords, armor, lists, full contact fighting are the things that fascinate me in this sport.

Historical medieval battle was introduced to me by Rostislav Miroshnichenko a couple of years ago. He was also the man who introduced me to reenactment, with all its features. Rostislav is a member of the Ukrainian HMB national team, my very good friend and my clubmate. We’re both from the Odessa reenactment club called “Tangar”.

I’ve met a lot of nice people after joining the movement. For example, Sasha Vasilinich from a club called “Order of the Tumulus Temple,” he has participated in all “Battle of the Nations”! I also want to mention Ira Ilnitskaya from “Luxembourg” club. Her aim is to represent Ukraine in the women’s category at “Battle of the Nations”-2014. She trains hard.

These people have taught me a lot. But when I fight, I mainly have guys as my opponents. And if it’s a fight against an experienced and strong fighter, then I’ve a lot of bruises. I’m very interested in such stuff, fights give me more experience and great satisfaction.

My mom has already accepted the fact her daughter is engaged in full contact fighting against guys. However, she promised to “smash the head of any person who might hurt me” :)). Concerning my dad. He’s a boxer with a lot of experience!
My father supports me totally… and works with me! I appreciate the fact my family understands my passion and helps me in every way.

I’ve never paid attention to those who put obstacles in my way. Especially in sports. I almost don’t communicate with my classmates. Anyway, I’m more interested to be friends with guys. I have my own circle of people who are addicted to reenactment and understand the essence and beauty of this sporting innovation. And such people are abundant in Odessa.
Interview by
Elisabeth Irha,
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